International Conference on Accelerated Carbonation for Environmental and Material Engineering (ACEME) | AIChE

The 6th edition of the ACEME Conferences promoted research and development activities on accelerated carbonation at an international level, favoring the share of knowledge and discussing future development and implementation in the field. 


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Get your submission in as soon as possible for review by the organizing committee.


  • Eric Kennedy
    University of Newcastle
  • Michael Stockenhuber
    University of Newcastle
  • Geoff Brent
  • Mark Rayson

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

  • Giulia Costa
    University of Rome Tor Vergata
  • Carine Julcour-Lebigue
    Laboratoire de Génie Chimique de Toulouse
  • Ah-Hyung (Alissa) Park
    Columbia University
  • Phil Renforth
    Cardiff University
  • Siobhan A. (Sasha) Wilson
    Monash University

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The proceedings of International Conference on Accelerated Carbonation for Environmental and Material Engineering (ACEME) are now available

Funding Opportunity Available

Thanks to the AIChE® Foundation, we have a limited number of stipends to cover conference registration and up to $500 in travel support. Members of underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.