November 2012 | AIChE

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November 2012

AccBio/QbD Conference Description & Program

The theme of the AccBio/QbD 2013 is "Meeting Current Challenges in Therapeutic Protein Technical Development."

Young ChemEs: Join AIChE® at No Cost to You

You’re only 5 minutes away from being a member of AIChE® - and there's no cost thanks to the ScaleUp sponsors.

Click “Join Now” to be directed to our online membership application. 

Membership Benefits

Join AIChE® to Be Entered to Win Free Annual Meeting Registration

To be entered into the drawing for a free registration to the 2017 AIChE® Annual Meeting,  join AIChE as a young professional member using the discount code SRCYP17.  

Be sure to update your contact information to show your post-graduation information

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WISE Undergraduates Go to Washington

November 15, 2012
Over the summer, two engineering students ventured into the realm of public affairs after AIChE selected them as 2012 WISE (Washington Internships for Science and Engineering) interns.

Hold Your Company’s Global Process Safety Team Meeting at the GCPS

An increasing number of CCPS member companies are finding it useful to hold their global process safety team meetings in conjunction with the GCPS.

Puget Sound Local Section Kicks Off New Mentoring Program

November 14, 2012
Puget Sound AICHE is launching a new mentoring program for Seattle-area high school students.
