January 2016 | AIChE

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January 2016

Spring & GCPS Wednesday Luncheon

Join us for the 2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th GCPS Wednesday luncheon where Mark K. Cox, Senior Vice President, Chief Manufacturing and Engineering Officer for Eastman Chemical Company will present "Process Safety Leadership - It's Personal!" 

AGILE Award Keynote Address

AGILE Award winner Andreas C. Kramvis of Honeywell will deliver the 2016 Keynote Address, entitled "Transforming a Business for Success".

Application of Magnetic Fields and Colloidal Systems to Overcome Difficulties in Microscale Assembly, Movement and Control

Tuesday, January 26, 2016,
6:00pm to 9:00pm
Presentation: Application of Magnetic Fields and Colloidal Systems to Overcome Difficulties in Microscale Assembly, Movement and Control Speaker: Dr. David W.M. Marr, Professor of Chemical Engineering Menu: Pizza, salad, lemonade, cookies. If you have special dietary needs, please communicate those...Read more

Join AIChE® & Save $50 off the 2016 AIChE Spring Meeting*

Join now and receive $50 off your registration to the 2016 AIChE® Spring Meeting in Houston, TX, April 10-14. Once you join, you'll save even more off the meeting registration as an AIChE Member - up to $250. Discount applies to Full Meeting registration only.

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