Engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a bandage that releases medicine in response to skin temperature and lights up when the medicine is running low. The smart bandage consists of a stretchy, gel-like material...
A new cellulose-polymer power paper flexes, folds — and sets a new record for simultaneous ionic and electronic conductivity. The black, slightly plastic-like paper, dubbed NFC-PEDOT paper by it inventors, offers hope for future electrical energy...
Carbon dioxide receives a lot of attention for its negative impact on the environment. Using CO 2 as a feedstock for the synthesis of valuable chemicals could turn around its reputation. Work done by chemical engineers at the Univ. of Pittsburgh...
Gold and palladium are both valuable metals, for different reasons. Palladium is known for its catalytic ability, and gold for its plasmonic properties. A material that combines these assets holds potential for a range of applications, including...
A new strategy to make the wires covering the semiconductor of a solar cell invisible to light could boost solar cell efficiency by 10%. The metal wires that carry current away from a solar cell have the unfortunate side effect of blocking the light...
An environmentally friendly coating repels water better than more-expensive fluorocarbon-based materials. The superhydrophobic material, developed by researchers at Rice Univ. and the Univ. of Swansea, consists of aluminum oxide nanoparticles...
Butanol is the bigger, better cousin of ethanol when it comes to replacing gasoline as a transportation fuel. It has a higher energy density, is immiscible in water, is noncorrosive, and can be blended with gasoline at higher concentrations than...