June 2017 | AIChE

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June 2017

Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Clean Nuclear Energy for the 21st Century & Beyond

Tuesday, April 18, 2017,
6:00pm to 9:00pm
Scheduled Speaker: Ara Barasmian This presentation will describe the main nuclear fuels used by power reactors, including: Natural Uranium, Enriched Uranium, and Mixed Oxides (MOX) of Uranium and Plutonium; and how they are produced. It will explain how Yellow Cake is fluoridated to Uranium...Read more

Poster Sessions

Poster sessions are an integral part of the Annual Meeting, allowing for a collaboration through a one-on-one discussion. We are proud to announce that over 1,000 of the presentations at this year's Annual Meeting will be presented in poster format.

AIChE - CVS June Webinar

Wednesday, June 14, 2017,
6:30pm to 8:00pm
Life Cycle Analysis Tools and Applications for Sustainability This webinar provides an overview of life cycle analysis tools and applications drawing upon two decades of experience at the University of Michigan Center for Sustainable Systems. Life cycle models provide a comprehensive basis for...Read more

David Dickey

David Dickey started MixTech, Inc. in 1998 to provide engineering consulting for mixing processes and equipment. He worked through the start-up processes and developed an ongoing consulting business. The consulting work has given him opportunities to apply his engineering knowledge and experience to a variety of interesting and challenging industrial problems. He has taught continuing education courses and published practical articles to maintain and expand his business opportunities....Read more

The Challenges and Benefits of Being an Independent Engineering Consultant

Archived Webinar
Wednesday, July 19, 2017,
2:00pm to 3:00pm
Thinking about becoming an independent engineering consultant? Find out if you’ve got what it takes from someone who’s done it. In 60 minutes, learn if being an independent engineering...
