October 2017 | AIChE

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October 2017

2017 Braskem Award for Excellence in Materials Engineering and Science

The 2017 Braskem Award for Excellence in Materials Engineering and Science is presented to Professor Shaoyi Jiang of the University of Washington. Prof. Jiang is honored “For seminal contributions to the molecular understanding, design and development of zwitterionic materials and coatings...

Hazardous Waste

This article discusses several case histories of process incidents that have occurred at waste handling or processing facilities and highlights the lessons learned from those accidents.

Operating Procedures

This article presents proven approaches for developing accurate operating procedures, and guidance for ensuring the page formatting and step descriptions are optimized to minimize human error.

Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes are critical to project team meetings, where the scope of a project is often defined. This article provides guidance for taking useful minutes. ...

Flame Arresters

Flame arresters are a critical piece of safety equipment. Learn the basics of flame arrester operation and selection.

2017 Owens Corning Early Career Award Winner

2017 Owens Corning Early Career Award Winner The 2017 Owens Corning Early Career Award is presented to Professor Rodney D. Priestley of Princeton University. Prof. Priestly is honored “For novel experiments illuminating the glass transition; for a method to create ultrastable glassy polymer...

Frances Arnold

Frances H. Arnold is the Dick and Barbara Dickinson Professor of Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering, and Biochemistry at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).

Among previous honors, Arnold recently received the National Science Foundation’s Sackler Prize in...
