Carmen H. Osorio-Amado, PhD, is an associate in the thermal science division at Exponent, Inc., where she consults on hazardous incidents such as fires, explosions, and leaks of flammable and toxic materials. She previously worked at BP America as a process safety engineer, supporting day-to-day offshore operations in the Gulf of Mexico. Osorio worked on various elements of process safety management standards, including process safety information, management of change (MOC), and process hazard analysis (PHA), as well as regulatory compliance. She received a BS in chemical engineering from...Read more
Michael C. Stern, PhD, P.E., is a managing engineer in the thermal science division of Exponent, Inc., where he consults in the areas of industrial and chemical processing, process safety, product safety, failure analysis, and incident investigation. He specializes in the areas of chemical separations, fire and explosion investigation and prevention, reactive materials, and electrochemical systems including batteries. Stern’s ongoing research includes investigating the competency of ignition sources in industrial flash fires, combustible dust hazards, and mechanisms for electrical fires....Read more
Anne Kaaden studied business chemistry at the Christian Albrechts Universität in Kiel and started her career in the area of continuous flow in 2012 for Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik BTS. As a global Key Account Manager and Head of Marketing her important fields of activity are lying in preparation of workshops, commissioning of equipment and organizing fairs and conferences. One favorite activity of Anne Kaaden is giving lectures and training sessions for this new technology platform of micro- and millireactors.Read more
Once a non-topic, misfolded and aggregated proteins are drawing a lot of attention, and an article that singles out high-quality publications on these topics is in the spotlight.
Tom Fuller is Professor of Chemical Engineering at the Georgia Tech. Dr. Fuller received a BS from the University of Utah in Chemical Engineering in 1982. Dr. Fuller then served for five years in the U.S. Navy working as a Nuclear Engineer. In 1992 he obtained a Ph.D. from UC, Berkeley also in Chemical Engineering.
Subsequently, Dr. Fuller developed advanced lithium batteries while working as a postdoctoral fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He then moved to United Technologies. He was responsible for technology development, design, assembly, and test of cell stacks...Read more
Are you involved in the design and/or operation of electrochemical devices? This webinar is for you. In 60 minutes, you’ll gain a basic understanding of the hardware, operation and architecture of an...
In January, North Carolina State University’s AIChE Student Chapter started off the ESC "Show-and-Tell" Video Challenge by providing us an inside look at what makes their chapter special through a short video. NC State then challenged the AIChE Student Chapter from “across the pond” at University of College London (UCL) to participate next.