March 2018 | AIChE

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March 2018

2018 Cell Therapies and Bioengineering Conference

September 20, 2018 to September 22, 2018
This conference will highlight new and upcoming research in this field such as CAR T cell therapies, TCR T cells, Immune cells other than conventional T cells, challenges and opportunities for cell therapies for solid tumors, synthetic biology for cellular immunotherapy, and much more.

Space Travel: Adaptive Research and Technologies from Biological and Chemical Engineering (STAR Tech)

November 12, 2018 to November 14, 2018
This conference, STAR Tech (Space Travel: Adaptive Research and Technologies from biological and chemical engineering), is focused on bringing in non-traditional technologies from biological and chemical engineering including materials science and engineering that may apply to space travel...

RAPID Manufacturing Institute Announces Two Concurrent Project Calls to Open in Late March

March 20, 2018
New York, NY, March 20, 2018--The Rapid Manufacturing Institute is pleased to announce that in late March, two calls for project proposals will be forthcoming. Unlike our previous calls, these will be open only to current RAPID members in good standing, who will lead the projects. “Our first...

This Week in Chemical Engineering - Fuels & Petrochemicals Spotlight: March 20, 2018

Don't miss out on the latest business and technology news for chemical engineers, featuring select items in relation to Fuels & Petrochemicals.

Dynamic Intensification of Chemical Processes

A significant portion of commodity products are manufactured in large facilities that operate at steady state. In many ways, the traditional chemical industry has reached a plateau in terms of productivity and energy efficiency in such facilities. Improvements based on existing technologies and unit operations are mostly incremental and unable to address fundamental transport limitations that drive process efficiency.
Chemical Commodity Processes
University of Texas at Austin

E. William Colglazier

Dr. E. William Colglazier is Editor-in-Chief of Science & Diplomacy and Senior Scholar in the Center for Science Diplomacy at the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS).  He works there to advance knowledge and practice on science policy and science diplomacy and to support international collaboration and cooperation in science and technology. He served as the fourth Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State from 2011 to 2014.  In this non-political position of fixed term, his role was to provide scientific and technical expertise and advice in...Read more
