December 2021 | AIChE

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December 2021

Chris Myers

Chris J. Myers received the BS degree in electrical engineering and Chinese history in 1991 from the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California, and the MSEE and PhD degrees from Stanford University in 1993 and 1995, respectively. Before arriving at CU Boulder, he was a professor and associate chair in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.

Myers is the author of over 180 technical papers and the textbooks Asynchronous Circuit Design and Engineering Genetic Circuits. He is also a co-inventor on four patents...Read more

Tae Seok Moon

Tae Seok Moon has 25 years of research experience in chemistry, metabolic engineering, systems biology, and synthetic biology, including 5.5 years of industry experience. During his academic training at MIT and UCSF (Kris Prather and Chris Voigt labs), he has built expertise in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology. His research focus (2012-2022 with 21 external grants; $10.3M external funding to Moon; $35.1M to the entire team) is understanding gene regulation, evolution, and metabolism and building RNA regulators, biosensors, and genetic circuits. His current projects include 12...Read more

Chunbo Lou

Dr. Chunbo Lou is an Investigator of Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, CAS. He obtained his Ph.D. in biophysics from Peking University in 2009, and started his postdoctoral research with Prof. Chris Voigt at UCSF and MIT. He joined Institute of Microbiology, CAS from 2013, and moved to Shenzhen from 2019. He has designed and constructed complex genetic circuits and fundamental design principles for genetic programming. His lab is currently developing high-quality regulatory parts for mammalian genetic circuit, and predictably design complex spatial-temporal control circuits for...Read more

Tom Ellis

Tom Ellis is a Professor of Synthetic Genome Engineering at the Imperial College London. Ellis is leading a research team in synthetic genome engineering and synthetic biology in the Department of Bioengineering. He has track record in synthetic biology, being author of over 50 publications in synthetic biology including work in Cell, Nature Methods, Nature Biotechnology, PNAS and Nature Reviews. He is leader of the UK-funded project to build a synthetic yeast chromosome for the international synthetic yeast project (Sc2.0). He co-leads the teaching of Imperial’s synthetic biology...Read more

Elections for 2022 Board now open

[Dec 20, 2021] The election for MGMT 2022 Board members is now available through December 31, 2021.

Become a Sponsor of the 66th Ammonia Conference

Sponsorship at the 66th Annual Safety in Ammonia Plants & Related Facilities Symposium will increase your company’s exposure and contacts. Stand out and promote your company by providing sponsorship support through these unique programs. Sponsorship Form Product Sponsorship Packages All product...

2022 STS Officers

2022 STS Officers The STS Executive Committee would like to thank STS members who participated in the 2022 elections. Congratulations to our new Officers! Please welcome our 2022 STS Officers. Julie D. White, 2022 STS Chair Andreas Matzakos, 2022 STS Chair Elect (2023 STS Chair) Joseph Hernandez,...
