December 2021 | AIChE

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December 2021

Terrific Turbines

A wind turbine is spun to generate electricity; the electricity is then used to power different colored LEDs. We discuss with the students why certain colors require more energy to light up. We then have them see how much voltage they are outputting with our homemade voltmeters.

Module Topics 

Fluid Mechanics
Module details
TopicsEngineering, Fluid Mechanics
Best-suited audienceArray
Approx. time requirement10 minutes
AIChE community affiliationUniversity of Utah AIChE Student Chapter
Approx. # of volunteers1
Recommended audience sizeAny size

Audience best suited for module 

Kindergarten to Second Grade (approximately ages 5-8)

Is the module interactive ? (Can students actively participate) 


Approximate time that the module requires (minutes) 


AIChE Community Affiliation 

University of Utah AIChE Student Chapter

Approximate Budget 


Approximate Number of Volunteers 


Recommended Audience Size 

Any size

Manos Mavrikakis

Manos Mavrikakis is the Ernest Micek Distinguished Chair, the James A. Dumesic Professor, and the Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received a Diploma in Chemical Engineering from NTUA in Greece, and a PhD in Chemical Engineering & Scientific Computing from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Following postdocs at the University of Delaware and the Technical University of Denmark, he joined the faculty of Chemical Engineering at UW-Madison in 1999. His main research interests include the elucidation of...Read more

Simona Rollinson

Simona Rollinson is ISACA’s Chief Operating Officer (COO), leading ISACA’s technology team, driving the organization’s continuing digital transformation, and exploring new opportunities for harnessing technology to elevate the educational and professional development experiences for ISACA’s members and enterprise customers. She plays a key role in transforming ISACA’s learning technology platform to support the professional community at all levels and stages, from individual development to enterprise solutions.

Simona brings a wealth of technology leadership and strategy experience...Read more

Non-Newtonian Fluids

The Non-Newtonian Fluids Module is designed to teach middle school students about what Non-Newtonian Fluids are, focusing on key concepts, examples, and demos. Students will get to see demos of both shear thickening and shear thinning fluids and learn about the theories behind each. ...

Module Topics 

Fluid Mechanics
Module details
TopicsFluid Mechanics
Best-suited audienceArray
Approx. time requirement25 minutes
AIChE community affiliationUCLA AIChE Undergraduate Student Chapter
Approx. # of volunteers1 per 15 students
Recommended audience sizeAny size

Audience best suited for module 

Sixth Grade to Eighth Grade (approximately ages 11-14)

Is the module interactive ? (Can students actively participate) 


Approximate time that the module requires (minutes) 


AIChE Community Affiliation 

UCLA AIChE Undergraduate Student Chapter

Approximate Budget 


Approximate Number of Volunteers 

1 per 15 students

Recommended Audience Size 

Any size

Tanzanian Horror

“Beyond the realms of what we see, into the regions or the unexplored only by our imaginations” - Albert Einstein

The relentless curiosity that drives us to investigate the unknown, is one of the fundamental characteristics of humankind. Right from the Bermuda triangle to the black hole, the world is filled with mysteries.

Have you ever heard of Medusa? Medusa was a snake haired Greek monster who used to turn people into stone!! She may just be a myth but there is in fact a lake so deadly that it actually turns organisms into stone- “The...

Module Topics 

Physical Chemistry
Thermal/Kinetic Energy and Phase Transitions
Module details
TopicsPhysical Chemistry, Thermal/Kinetic Energy and Phase Transitions
Best-suited audienceArray
Approx. time requirement15 minutes
AIChE community affiliationVellore Institute of Technology, Vellore AIChE Student Chapter, Trisha Daftari Urva Dave Manali Mahendra Barve
Recommended audience size20-25

Audience best suited for module 

Third Grade to Fifth Grade (approximately ages 8-11)

Is the module interactive ? (Can students actively participate) 


Approximate time that the module requires (minutes) 


AIChE Community Affiliation 

Vellore Institute of Technology
Vellore AIChE Student Chapter
Trisha Daftari Urva Dave Manali Mahendra Barve

Approximate Budget 


Approximate Number of Volunteers 


Recommended Audience Size 


Awards Received 

Top 3-5 Module, 2021
2nd Place - Undergraduate Student Category, 2021

A Look at the Coronavirus through Bioinformatics

The module presents a comparison between coronavirus types of different organisms using an online glycoprotein database and a bioinformatic algorithm for protein alignment.

Module Topics 

Biological Engineering
Module details
TopicsBiological Engineering
Best-suited audienceArray
Approx. time requirement16 minutes
AIChE community affiliationUniversidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras Student Chapter
Approx. # of volunteers3
Recommended audience sizeAny size

Audience best suited for module 

Ninth Grade to Twelfth Grade (approximately ages 14-18)

Is the module interactive ? (Can students actively participate) 


Approximate time that the module requires (minutes) 


AIChE Community Affiliation 

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras Student Chapter

Approximate Budget 


Approximate Number of Volunteers 


Recommended Audience Size 

Any size

Awards Received 

Top 9-12 Module, 2021

SBE Leadership

Managing Board
