July 2023 | AIChE

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July 2023

Christin Salley

Christin Salley is a third year PhD Candidate at the Georgia Institute of Technology in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Christin is in the Civil Engineering program, and advised by Dr. John E. Taylor in the Network Dynamics Lab. Christin's research is at the intersection of social media, infrastructure systems, disaster response, and machine learning. Christin is also passionate about pathways of engineering - investigating pursuits of engineering at the K-12, undergraduate, and graduate levels. Ultimately, Christin desires to be able to educate society through community...Read more

Monet Roberts

Lydia Contreras is an Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research combines biomolecular engineering, genetic studies and computational modeling to understand molecular features that lead to the specific recognition and interaction of RNAs and proteins. She applies fundamental concepts that emerge from experimental (and computational) work to develop novel applications that could beneficially impact human health.Read more

Registration Information

Registration Information REGISTER HERE What's included in this registration? Registration includes admission to all sessions, scheduled meals, breaks, networking events, and conference proceedings, as well as Wi-Fi throughout the conference. Permanent access to the post-conference proceedings...

Hillary Syeda

Hillary Syeda is an engineering specialist with AIChE....Read more

Ciaran Dunn

Ciaran is the Vice President of Engineering and Co-Founder of Circe, a company developing a novel manufacturing platform to create sustainable, delicious food. Ciaran leads the development of Circe's precision fermentation systems and scaling of technology from lab to commercial scales, to enable the worlds transition to sustainable foods.

Before Circe, Ciaran worked in several industries, including energy, aerospace, AI, and public transit. Following his Mechanical Engineering degree at University of Calgary, Ciaran researched and tested novel rocket designs and joined a...Read more

Michael Weber

Michael is a chemical engineer with 19 years of experience working in academic and industrial research. He currently serves as the Vice President of Technology for PureCycle Technologies. In this role, Michael leads all pilot and lab-scale testing to support process and product technology.

Prior to his time at PureCycle, Michael spent 14 years as a research engineer at ExxonMobil working on scale-up of early-stage chemical processes. He holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Colorado and has contributed to multiple peer-reviewed publications and patents...Read more
