August 2024 | AIChE

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August 2024

Fantastic Voyage of Nanobots

Archived Webinar
Wednesday, July 24, 2024,
8:00pm to 9:00pm
One of the more interesting recent discoveries has been the ability to design nano/microparticles, including molecules, which catalytically harness the chemical energy in their environment to move...

Ayusman Sen

Ayusman Sen is the Verne M. Willaman Professor of Chemistry and Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University. He is Fellow of both the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Royal Society of Chemistry, and recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt prize and the Medal from the Chemical Research Society of India. His research interests encompass active autonomous systems, synthetic nano and micromotors, micropumps, and systems chemistry. He is the author of over 400 scientific publications and...Read more

Scientists Investigate Wastewater-Based Fertilizers

A new nationwide analysis of biosolids — the byproducts of wastewater treatment often used as fertilizer — finds a plethora of unregulated organic compounds, including some that may have potential impacts on human health.

New Method of Gene Editing Allows Complex Changes in a Single Step

Researchers have discovered a gene-editing technique that allows for cutting, pasting, and swapping around genetic sequences in a single step.

Biochar Breakthrough Could Yield Cheap Hydrogen Production

A new method of using biomass and solar energy has broken a barrier in the amount of voltage needed to produce green hydrogen via electrolysis.
