The Industrial Metaverse for the Process Industries | AIChE

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The Industrial Metaverse for the Process Industries

Special Section

The industrial metaverse digitally mirrors the process units and equipment in an industrial facility. Digital twins — the best-known application of the industrial metaverse — are already transforming how engineers design and interact with processes.

Video game technology gets more impressive every year, giving us semi-immersive experiences of imaginary worlds. Likewise, flight simulators — which are immersive, realistic, and partially physics-based simulated training environments — have been around for decades. Advances in technology now allow the creation of a complete metaverse — a digital reality that mimics the physical reality. The industrial metaverse is the concept of a digital world that mirrors and simulates real machines and factories, buildings and cities, grids, and transportation systems. By seamlessly integrating technologies like cloud and edge computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and digital twins, the industrial metaverse can optimize processes and drive sustainable practices, ultimately shaping the future of real-world systems.

An industrial metaverse is driven by industry needs, current and upcoming technological capabilities, and organizational or individual potential for solving engineering, operations, and safety issues.

This article discusses the industrial metaverse’s application in the chemical process industries (CPI), primarily focusing on the best-known technology of the industrial metaverse: digital twins. Finally, the article highlights the challenges of introducing high-performance computing to current facilities and upskilling the workforce as it stands today.

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