Process Safety for senior management - what they need to know/Seguridad de Procesos por un negocio sostenible | AIChE

Process Safety for senior management - what they need to know/Seguridad de Procesos por un negocio sostenible


Kamrath, D. J., Air Liquide USA LLC


Albertini, C., Pan American Energy

Below are session descriptions in both English and Spanish: Las descripciones de las sesiones se encuentran debajo en Espanol e Ingles: Commitment from senior management is essential for a successful process safety program but commitment alone is not sufficient. Senior Management must also understand and be able to communicate both in words and actions what they expect from their process safety program and the priority they place on it. This session is seeking papers demonstrating ways to build senior management commitment, help them understand the fundamentals of effective process safety management and make the successful management of process safety one of their top priorities. This session calls for abstracts that show omo la Seguridad de Procesos soporta los objetivos y las metas del negocio asegurando el adecuado manejo de los procesos necesarios para el manejo de los riesgos técnicos / de ingeniería. Su importancia haciendo que el negocio sea sostenible y manteniendo la reputación de las compañías.



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