The Loss Prevention Symposium (LPS) is one of three parallel symposia that comprise The Global Congress on Process Safety. Organized by Group 11A of the AIChE Safety and Health (S&H) Division, the LPS has been held annually since 1967. The Symposium promotes process safety by providing a forum for practitioners from the chemical industry, allied industries, academia, and government to share technological advances in process safety, explosion prevention, and fire protection as well as to share the lessons learned from incident investigations. The Symposium consists of six sessions, each with at least six 30-minute presentations.
LPS Chair
Samuel Rodgers,
Featured Topics
Case Histories and Lessons Learned
Overpressure Control Methods and Alternatives
Managing Combustible Dust Hazards
Fires, Explosion and Reactive Chemicals
Analysis of offsite Impacts of High Consequence Events
Characterization and Control of Ignition Sources