Tools | AIChE


CCPS provides process safety professionals with a variety of free tools that include worksheets, databases, process safety metrics, a glossary, safe work practices, and tools for risk analysis screening and chemical hazard engineering fundamentals.

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CCPS Tools

Building Process Safety Culture ToolKit

Process safety culture awareness and evaluation tools in this package have been utilized in a diverse range of petroleum and chemical companies, and we believe that the tools will prove useful to any organization willing to devote the time to use them. The presentation, along with the rest of the communication package, is intended to be used by a knowledgeable process safety professional to create awareness among the company’s upper management of the importance of a sound safety culture in stimulating enhanced safety performance (it is anticipated that the package could also be effectively used more widely in the organization; e.g., for orienting site management and other personnel).

Building Process Safety Culture ToolKit 

Chemical Reactivity Worksheet

The Chemical Reactivity Worksheet (CRW) is a free software program you can use to find out about the chemical reactivity of thousands of common hazardous chemicals, compatibility of absorbents, and suitability of materials of construction in chemical processes.

Chemical Reactivity Worksheet 

Golden Rules

CCPS Golden Rules are designed to arm process safety professionals with information to deal with process safety hazards. These rules / tenets are based on absolute statements to address the inherent hazards associated with process technologies including FCC operations, the chlorine chemistry, nitration chemistry, peroxides, combustible dust, and others.

Golden Rules


Layer of Protection analysis (LOPA) is a simplified quantitative tool for analyzing and assessing risk. LOPA was developed by user organizations during the 1990s as a streamlined risk assessment tool, using conservative rules and order of magnitude estimates of frequency probability and consequence severity. This Database is a benefit for employees of CCPS member companies. Full access requires login.


Process Safety Incident Evaluation (PSIE) Tool 

The app for the updated Process Safety Incident Evaluation Tool has been released. The updates include changes to the threshold quantities and calculations to match the CCPS Process Safety Metrics Guide for Leading and Lagging Indicators, Ver 4.1 (“CCPS Metrics Guide”), and API RP 754, Process Safety Performance Indicators for the Refining and Petrochemical Industries, Ver 3.

Download the PSIE Tool at the Apple Store | Google Play Store 

The PSIE app has three main features: 1) a Chemicals Database; 2) a Process Safety Incident Evaluation (PSIE) questionnaire, and 3) a Tier 1 Incident Severity Weighting calculation.

  1. The chemicals database contains a list of more than 2,000 chemicals. The database includes the chemical’s UN Code, its Hazard type, and its Tier 1 and Tier 2 Threshold Quantities for both outdoor and indoor releases. In addition, the user can add, edit, and remove custom chemicals or mixtures in the database.
  2. The Process Safety Incident Evaluation (PSIE) feature lets the user determine whether the incident is a Tier 1 or a Tier 2 release or not. The step-by-step questionnaire in the app is based on the decision tree published in the CCPS Metrics Guide.
  3. The Severity Weighting calculation feature lets the user determine the severity rating of a Tier 1 incident. This questionnaire is based on the criteria shown in Table 1 of the CCPS Metrics Guide.

Last but not least, the app enables users to save, e-mail, or print their final evaluation report afterward.

If you have any questions or bug fixes for CCPS, please do not hesitate to contact us at CCPS.

Process Safety Incident Database

The Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) developed the Process Safety Incident Database to collect, track and share important process safety incidents and experiences among project participants.


Process Safety Metrics

Companies continuously improving their process safety performance must select, implement, and monitor company-specific process safety metrics for leading and lagging indicators. In 2021, CCPS member companies reviewed and updated the CCPS process safety metrics guidance. View the updated metrics guidance and other important metrics information in one place.

Recommended Process Safety Metrics 

Process Safety Beacon

The Process Safety Beacon is a resource aimed at delivering process safety messages to plant operators and other manufacturing personnel. The monthly one-page newsletter covers the breadth of process safety topics.

Process Safety Beacon

Process Safety Moments

The purpose of these presentations is to use past incidents to raise the hazard awareness of the broader chemical industry, to bring more detail than the Process Safety Beacon alone can provide and to allow discussion of the potential hazards, controls and safeguards at your facility.

Process Safety Moments

Process Safety Glossary

A glossary of process safety terms.

Process Safety Glossary

Professional Services Directory

The Professional Services Directory features CCPS member companies who offer a wide range of benefits and services to your company; from consulting to cyber security, training to auditing, from incident investigation to PHA & HAZOP and much more. Companies listed in this directory are available to provide their specific services throughout the world.

Professional Services Directory

RBPS Resources Web Tool

This project aims to create a easily accessible web-based tool for each of the 20 Risk Based Process Safety elements. A central “hub” of free information of Process Safety information, tools, and resources. 

RBPS Web Tool 

Risk Analysis Screening Tool (RAST) and Chemical Hazard Engineering Fundamentals (CHEF) 

The RAST software and its associated CHEF documentation were developed through the collaborative efforts of volunteers from member companies of the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) and the European Process Safety Centre (EPSC). Special appreciation is extended to The Dow Chemical Company for donating RAST/CHEF for global use and for providing the resources to help modify the software and documentation such that companies can tailor the RAST software to meet their company-specific risk tolerance levels. It is sincerely hoped that companies using RAST and CHEF during their hazards evaluations and risks assessments will be able to improve their process safety performance.

Risk Analysis Screening Tool (RAST) 

Safe Work Practices (SWP)

Work place fatalities and injuries continue to occur with hot work incidents, nitrogen asphyxiations, confined space, line opening and other activities because of unsafe work practices. We need to make them more “human failure” resistant’.  This effort will likely save lives somewhere. This tool is designed to reach, and provide value to, a very broad audience including operations, maintenance and engineering personnel in the process industries (Chemical, petrochemical, electronics, natural gas and others). In addition to appealing to larger, more established member companies, this information has been tailored to also reach both large and small, domestic and international.

Safe Work Practices Tool 

Vision 20/20

Vision 20/20, developed by the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), looks into the not-too-distant future to demonstrate what perfect process safety will look like when it is championed by industry; driven by five tenets of culture, standards, competency, management systems and lessons learned; and enhanced by community passion and four global societal themes.

Vision 20/20

Giving Back

Donations small and large and make a difference, and remember all gifts to the AIChE Foundation are tax-deductible. Learn more about AIChE's Doing a World of Good campaign.