CCPS India Regional Meeting | AIChE

Meeting Sponsors: Aarti Industries Ltd. | UPL University of Sustainable Technology


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Event Announcement Flyer

The Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) is pleased to announce CCPS India Regional Meeting to be held in person on December 2, 2023.

To support its members in the best way CCPS pursues the following objectives at its meetings:

  • To share the knowledge and experience among CCPS member companies

  • To provide updates on CCPS activities in the region and worldwide

  • To collect inputs and feedback from member companies on future course of action in the region

  • To trigger new PSM initiatives in the region

  • To collect inputs on future CCPS meetings and conferences, conduct of CCPS public training programs & workshops to be held in the region

India Regional TSC Meeting Contacts:

  • Vishal Chavan - Project Manager, Asia Pacific and Middle East, CCPS

    • Email:

    • Phone: (Office): +91 022 42019129/30, (Mobile): +91 887999 8243