CCPS Process Safety Knowledge Webinar (Brazil) | AIChE

The Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) is pleased to announce its CCPS Latin America Regional Meeting, which was held on August 13, 2024 at 2:00 pm Central Time.



14:00 às 14:15 h – Abertura – Carmen Osorio – CCPS


14:15 às 15:00 h – Aprendizagem de incidentes: Identificação dos fatores facilitadores e dificultadores – Andrea Cardoso - SHELL


15:00 às 16:00 h – Implantação de Sistema de Gestão de Segurança Operacional - Luiz Carlos Assunção – Consultor em SEPRO


16:00 às 16:45h – Trilha de Desenvolvimento em Estudos de Consequência – Margareth Fernandez – PETROBRAS


16:45 às 17:15h – Uso de PSM game – Simone de Oliveira - OXITENO

To support its members in the best way CCPS pursues the following objectives at its meetings:

  • To share the knowledge and experience among CCPS member companies
  • To provide updates on CCPS activities in the region and worldwide
  • To collect inputs and feedback from member companies on future course of action in the Region
  • To trigger new PSM initiatives in the Latin American Region
  • To collect inputs on future CCPS meetings and conferences, conduct of CCPS public training programs & workshops to be held in the region

Latin America Regional Meeting Contact:

Dr. Carmen H. Osorio Amado 

Latin America Regional Manager, CCPS
