Guidelines for Preparing Process Equipment for Maintenance and Return to Service | AIChE

Guidelines for Preparing Process Equipment for Maintenance and Return to Service


March, 2025





This book contains comprehensive information and methodologies for preparing process equipment for maintenance and, ultimately, return to service. Specifically, this book addresses two phases of equipment handovers, providing information and tools to help personnel at manufacturing sites reduce their risks. The first phase is isolating and preparing equipment for maintenance. The second phase is returning the equipment back to service, applying specified operational readiness plans in addition to a traditional pre-startup safety review (PSSR).

Topics include understanding the unique types of hazards personnel might be exposed to, planning for and executing decontamination and de-energization plans, and safely recommissioning the equipment for its return to service. Case studies, examples, and incident investigation discussions provide the reader with invaluable practical learnings that, when applied, help reduce the likelihood of another similar operational incident from occurring at their facility.

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