Confined Space Entry - Potential Hazardous Consequences | AIChE

Confined Space Entry - Potential Hazardous Consequences

Last updated September 24, 2018 | Element: Potential Hazardous Consequences

Potential Hazardous Consequences


Property Damage (Fire / Explosion)

  • A release of hazardous material during a confined space entry can be caused by improper cleaning of scale in the equipment and hazardous material being trapped or improperly isolated equipment.  Property damage can happen if released materials are flammable and ignition sources are available during the confined space entry. 

Personal Injury (Safety / Human Health)

  • Confined Space Entry, if not done properly, can lead to release of hazardous materials and personnel exposure with serious injuries or fatalities
    • Exposure to corrosive materials (i.e. acids or caustic) causing chemical burns
    • Exposure to toxic materials (i.e. benzene, hydrogen sulfide, phenol)
    • Exposure to hot materials (i.e. steam) causing thermal burns
    • Release of material under pressure causing an injury
    • Exposure to oxygen deficient atmosphere
    • Engulfment by solids during confined space entry into pits etc.
    • Exposure to radiation from instrumentation (i.e. level transmitters)
    • Fall injuries inside confined space
  • If these materials are flammable, the release may find an ignition source leading to a fire or an explosion.

Chemical Release / Environmental Impact (On-Site)

In addition to the Property Damage and Personal Injury consequences stated above, facilities must also consider the potential for escalation that could result in environmental damage or additional personal injuries occurring on-site.

  • Environmental damage due to releases of hazardous materials to the air, soil, or bodies of water resulting from improper isolation during confined space entry
  • Personnel injuries due the release of toxic materials resulting from improper isolation during confined space entry activities
  • Personal injuries due to fire or explosions resulting from possible ignition of flammable materials released from improper isolation during confined space entry

Chemical Release / Environmental Impact (Off-Site)

In addition to the Property Damage and Personal Injury consequences stated above, facilities must also consider the potential for escalation that could result in environmental damage or additional personal injuries occurring off-site.

  • Environmental damage due to releases of hazardous materials to the air, soil, or bodies of water resulting from improper isolation during confined space entry
  • Personnel injuries due the release of toxic materials resulting from improper isolation during confined space entry activities
  • Personal injuries due to fire or explosions resulting from possible ignition of flammable materials released from improper isolation during confined space entry