Personal Injury (Safety / Human Health)
- Improper tagging or identification of equipment or piping may lead to release of hazardous material resulting in personnel exposure to fire and explosion, radiation or toxic vapors.
Personnel or off-site injuries due the release of flammable fluids, combustible vapors, or toxic materials.
Personal or off-site injuries due to fire or explosion resulting from a release.
Property Damage (Fire / Explosion)
- A release and subsequent fire of hazardous material resulting from opening the wrong fitting or equipment due to improper tagging of equipment.
- Connections resulting in release of hazardous material release due to
- Incompatible materials mixing and reacting resulting in a release of energy
- Material being fed into equipment made of incompatible Material of Construction
Chemical Release / Environmental Impact (On-Site)
In addition to the Property Damage and Personal Injury consequences stated above, facilities should also consider the potential for escalation that could result in environmental damage or additional personal injuries occurring on-site.
- Environmental damage due to releases to the air, soil, or bodies of water resulting from opening the wrong fitting or equipment.
Chemical Release / Environmental Impact (Off-Site)
In addition to the Property Damage and Personal Injury consequences stated above, facilities should also consider the potential for escalation that could result in environmental damage or additional personal injuries occurring off-site.
- Environmental damage due to releases to the air, soil, or bodies of water resulting from opening the wrong fitting or equipment.