This conference addresses the role of storage and advanced transport in the context of developing hydrogen as a low-carbon energy carrier and harnessing renewable energy resources for meeting our commodity needs.

If you have any testimonials or interest in being a part of the conference in the future, please reach out to
Read a summary of the conference here: RHST24_meeting_summary.pdf
Review the Presentations
Get a taste of the featured speaker talks, submitted abstracts, and poster presentations using our event and confex pages. You can also view the technical program here.
- Session 1: Hydrogen Supply Chains
- Session 2: High Density Hydrogen Carriers
- Session 3: Hydrogen End Use Applications
Conference Topics
Featured Speakers & Events
Happy Hour Banquet & Poster Session
Renewable Hydrogen Storage and Transport Conference Keynote Speaker: Surya Prakash
Renewable Hydrogen Storage and Transport Conference Keynote Speaker: Trent Rogers
Renewable Hydrogen Storage and Transport Conference Session 1: Hydrogen Supply Chains
Renewable Hydrogen Storage and Transport Conference Session 2: High Density Hydrogen Carriers
Renewable Hydrogen Storage and Transport Conference Session 3: Hydrogen End Use Applications
Renewable hydrogen combined with carbon emissions from ethanol production is one of the exciting alternatives we are pursuing. The presence of so many dedicated researchers and engineers presents vast opportunities to move the green energy technologies forward. May the best technologies win!![]()