One of ChEnected's main objectives is to develop a community of chemical engineers who can share thoughts, ideas, and expertise with one another. The Internet is a great medium for bringing people with like-minded interests together and we're grateful that you have helped launch ChEnected by commenting on content sharing it with your friends and colleagues. Please continue these efforts, as it will help us broaden and further define the ChEnected community. Some key influencers in our community are the YPs - young professional ChemEs who could be transitioning from university into their first jobs, embarking on a graduate or Ph.D. program, or working at their first or second jobs. Unfortunately, not everyone can go to AIChE conferences, but there were a good number of YPs there who were very chatty and willing to share information about themselves. I caught up with a few of them and asked them to talk about their field of chemical engineering, their career, and what they were getting out of the conference. I thought it would be fun for the ChEnected Community at large to get a acquainted with some of these members. So, with that in mind, and thanks to YouTube and Flip Video we created a series of seven posts called:
YP ChEnectees of AIChE Spring
Each week for seven weeks, you'll meet a different YP ChemE who attended the AIChE Spring Meeting in San Antonio. Take notice of the diverse background of these AIChE YP members. And please, excuse my Ummms! Kendall Fosse is a recent graduate from Iowa State University. While there he was involved in a number of clubs such as ACLU@ISU, the Society for Chemistry Undergraduate Majors and an armature ultimate Frisbee club. Kendall spent a co-op with Cadbury Adams in Rockford IL making chewing gum like Stride, Trident, Dentine and Bubblicious brand gums. If you want to know what makes Stride so ridiculously long lasting, Kendall can tell you about this and a number of projects he worked on at Rockford. Since then, Kendall has been looking to get his start in Industry, and make an impact on the chemical engineering world. Kendall will be contributing to ChEnected with some ChEnected Challenges, cool videos, and more. Stay tuned for more from Kendall.
In the meantime, you can share any advice or leads for him as he develops his career?
Check out the other post in our ChEnectees of AIChE Spring Series so far:
Chemical Engineer Alireza Banimostafa is Interviewed at AIChE Spring, 2010 Chemical Engineer Nemoy Rau is Interviewed at AIChE Spring, 2010 Chemical Engineer Alexander Navarrete is Interviewed at AIChE Spring, 2010 KKMGSW7QUGQN
Huh I didn't know you worked at a bubble gum factory. Dang, is there anything Cheme's CAN'T do?