Watch out Cullen College of Engineering! Anthony Tantuccio and his team of 2007 Chem-E-Car national competition winners are heading to the final competition once again. Their Chem-E-Car was featured in Engadget's post "Fuel cell-powered Chem-E-Car Tears its Way through the Halls of Cooper Union" last week. Completing a 2009 internship at Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Anthony is currently earning his Master of Chemical Engineering degree at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in New York City. In addition to being the leader behind Cooper Union's Chem-E-Car initiatives, Anthony is a ChemE skilled in data interpretation and analysis and mathematical modeling.
Endgadget put together a fantastic slideshow of the Chem-E-Car at Cooper Union.
Here's the Video of Engadget's Paul Miller Showing off Team Tantuccio's Chem-E-Car:
Read the full post "Fuel cell-powered Chem-E-Car Tears its Way through the Halls of Cooper Union" on Engadget.
Do you think this is fierce competition for Cullen College of Engineering's car named Cougalac?
See it featured in Chem-E-Car. Safer By Design and judge for yourself.
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Heck no! That Cougar car will leave Cooper's car in the dust! :O)