Monday afternoon the AIChE Virtual Local Section, a new AIChE start-up geared towards engaging members who do not live close enough to an active local section and giving them a venue to meet others and interact, met at the 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting (and by WebEx online with members who were not able to attend).

Dan Lambert, the Virtual Local Section Chair, lead a presentation and discussion with the audience about the goals and the vision of the Virtual Local Section.
Until the end of 2011, membership in the virtual local section is free - visit their website to find out how to become a member!
The first virtual section meeting is scheduled for January 27, 2011 at 7:00pm EST. It will feature the 2011 AIChE President Dr. Maria Burka who will speak about research and innovation.
Be sure to check out the virtual section website! "No Chemical Engineer Left Behind!"
It's great to see the Virtual Section get off the ground. Looking forward to continued updates of your activity, etc. on ChEnected.