Earlier this week, AIChE announced its new Water Initiative, which will help determine the role and approaches the AIChE and its members can take to have a positive affect on water quality, security, and sustainability. There's plenty that chemical engineers can do professionally, but individuals can also pitch in and do their part.
In same spirit of greater consciousness of the planet's water resources, we share with you a fun and informative Facebook application: the Personal Water Footprint Calculator. We've all heard plenty about carbon footprints, but how many of us are truly aware of our personal impact on water resources? Check it out, and by all means, pass it along to friends and colleagues.
If you want an alternative, National Geographic also has its own water footprint calculator, plus plenty of tips on how you can lead a more water-efficient life. Check it out here.
It's hard to believe I use that many gallons of water a year. 52,000? Wow.
I was surprised how many gallons I used as well. (Supposedly about 48,000 gal, if I remember right.) I got a tip that I could reduce my water footprint if I ate fewer processed foods. Not too many processed foods in this house--I guess they don't know what a cook I am! : )
yes, this is quite recent concept and most of pepople are not aware of. 3 miliions of liters per year for my familly (3), not too bad. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check your <a href="http://wateraflamed.blogspot.com" rel="nofollow">water footprint on iPhone</a> with WaterAflamed app. <a href="http://itunes.apple.com/app/water-aflamed-water-footprint/id408976536?mt=8" rel="nofollow">Free download</a>