Virtual Local Section Quarterly Update – October 2011

"No Chemical Engineer Left Behind." - That's the vision of the Virtual Local Section (VLS). In recognition of the fact that many engineers work in remote locations and may be unable to participate in physical meetings, the VLS aims to connect them to their profession. If you fit any one of these descriptions, the VLS wants to hear from you:

  • You are an AIChE member without access to a local section
  • You are a process engineer, often not well supported professionally by their companies
  • You are a young professional

There are many benefits to joining VLS, including monthly technical meetings, networking opportunities, professional development, leadership and teamwork.

Membership in the VLS is free in 2011. Visit the VLS website at for more information on how to join. You can also find VLS on social networking sites:

"Like" us on Facebook at

Join the VLS LinkedIn group: Click this link.

Upcoming Events

The VLS executive works hard to find excellent guest speakers on relevant technical topics. Please join us for these upcoming presentations:

  • Mechanical Reliability by Mr. David Rosenthal

  • Thursday, October 27, 2011 09:00 pm - 10:00 pm EDT
    • Our keynote speaker is 2012 AIChE president Mr. David Rosenthal. Dave is an expert on mechanical reliability. He is the reliability and asset management manager for Jacobs Engineering Group Inc and responsible for the mechanical performance and transport assets. Dave is a recognized leader improving manufacturing competitiveness through asset reliability across refining, electronics, food, rubber, and chemicals. Dave's career included consulting and 28 years with Rohm and Haas, with assignments as a maintenance and reliability leader, global manufacturing excellence manager, technical manager, and project and process engineer. Dave will also give a "Fireside Chat" to the Young Professionals at 8:00 pm on October 27 at the same link above.

Suggestions for new topics and speakers are always welcome.

Section Meetings

Section meetings are held the fourth Thursday of every month, at 9:00 p.m. EDT. Find out what's planned for future meetings and access the web conference link at

A networking session for Young Professionals is held beforehand from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. Eastern time. Contact Noah Meeks at for more information.

Past Technical Presentations and Section Meetings

Over the past quarter the VLS has been pleased to host three guest speakers during the monthly webinar on several topics. If you missed out, the presentations can be accessed at the VLS archive. They're FREE to VLS members and well worth watching!

  • "Carbon Nanotubes and Other Nano-Structured Materials," was delivered July 28, 2011 by Daniel E. Resasco.
  • August's presentation: "Wireless Measurement and Control," was delivered August 25, 2011 by Mr. Greg McMillan.
  • September: "International Year of Chemistry" was delivered September 22, 2011 by Mr. Neil Gussman.

VLS is honored to host such accomplished speakers and is grateful for their time and effort.

Hope to meet you at the next meeting!


Gwen Barnhardt

Social Networking Chair for the Virtual Local Section