By: Kate Gawel
After a great year, YPAB is jumping right into 2012.
Vice Chair Election
We recently elected a new Vice Chair, Christine Curran of the South Texas Local Section. Christine graduated from University of Michigan in May 2010 and currently works at ExxonMobil as a User Support Engineer. Her term will officially begin in March 2012. We all look forward to working with Christine for the next three years of her term and hopefully many years to come after.
Next Conference Call
YPAB conference calls are typically held on the first Wednesday of the month from 3-4pm EST. Our next conference call is tentatively scheduled for February 1. If you are interested in participating in the call or would like to find out more information about what YPAB is currently working on, please email Robin Ng at to be added to our listserv. Once on our listserv, you will receive meeting notices for each month's conference call as well as meeting minutes after the call.
Spring 2012 Meeting
Currently YPAB is focusing a lot of effort on the 2012 Spring Meeting in Houston, TX, held the first week of April. At the meeting, YPAB will be co-sponsoring a number of sessions as well as a networking mixer. If you are interested in finding out more about the 2012 Spring Meeting or are interested in helping to plan YP events for the 2013 Spring Meeting in San Antonio, TX, please contact Meagan Lewis at
2012 Student Regional Meetings
YPAB is currently seeking YP volunteers throughout the country to participate in the student regional conferences. In past years, YPAB members have attended the student regional conferences to network with students, host presentations on a variety of topics--including how to stay involved with AIChE after graduation--as well as to help judge poster, paper, and ChemE car competitions. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Robin Ng at
2012 Annual Meeting
The 2012 Annual Meeting will be held in Pittsburgh this year during the last week in October. YPAB is currently looking for volunteers interested in helping to organize student programming, YP programming, and a YP social. No prior experience with YPAB is necessary, and new graduates and members are always welcome. If you are interested please contact Robin Ng at
Transition to Young Professionals Committee (YPC)
Nicole Brazier, YPAB's past chair, is currently making the final revisions to the YPC By-Laws so that they can be submitted for approval to the Career & Education Operating Council (CEOC). We hope to be approved as a committee sometime this spring. For more information about the change from advisory board to committee status, look for an article in the next YP Newsletter.
YP/Fellows Mentoring Program
The YP/Fellows mentoring program is currently seeking young professionals interested in being matched with a mentor. If interested, please see the article in this edition of the YP newsletter titled "AIChE Mentorship Program: Call for Mentees," or contact David Wishnick at The deadline for this round of the mentorship is in early February, so be sure to contact David as soon as possible if you are interested.
AIChE Young Professional Newsletter
YPAB hopes to continue to publish newsletters on a quarterly basis. We are looking for volunteers interested in helping with the newsletter either by writing articles or editing them. We also would like to include more information about what YP local sections across the country are doing in our future Upcoming Local YP Section Events articles. If you are interested in volunteering or advertising future programming in the newsletter, please email Kate Gawel at