AIChE Election Candidates Answer: Any closing remarks to Young Professionals reading this?

5/5   in the series AIChE Election Candidates Q&A
Voting for the 2013 AIChE Board of Directors is underway at The Young Professionals Committee (YPC) asked potential members of AIChE's board a few questions about young professionals and AIChE. They were asked to answer up to three questions so you won't see responses from every candidate for every question. This post concludes the Q&A, but you can read all responses from candidates in the series here. Feel free to click visit the election page to learn more about the election process and each candidate. Let's get started with the fifth and final question. Answers are shown in alphabetical order by position and then candidate last name.

John Tao -- Running for the office of President Election:

The future of the Institute lies with YPs. We can only have a continuing vibrant professional society when YPs stay active, involved, and volunteer in the Institute. Whether it is working on committees, Council or presenting at meetings, the AIChE will only thrive when its members feel they are getting value as a member and the other organizations feel that the AIChE can offer their voice to important issues facing the government and the society as a whole. So YPs grow in their careers and in the profession through the activities within their company and outside the company. The Institute is an excellent organization for YPs to volunteer, learn, network, and grow.

Jim Hill -- Running for the office of Secretary:

Best of luck in your careers. I hope to see you at AIChE meetings and perhaps on an AIChE committee.

Christine Seymour -- Running for the office of Secretary:

I'd say participate in AIChE - I've greatly benefited from my participation and I cherish my many AIChE friendships developed over the years. At first, I just thought it was fun to travel to meetings and listen to presentations - there is a lot more benefit from participating in AIChE such as developing relationships & networks - and now it is even more fun to go to the meetings!

Tom Degnan -- Running for the office of Director:

I'd like to leave you with two other pieces of advice from Professor Zare: 1. Take responsibility for managing your own career. No one else will. Avoid the trap of getting caught up in the expectations of others. Polonius said it best - " thine own self be true." 2. Plan your career. As Casey Stengel said, "If you don't know where you're going, you might end up someplace else." But life is more a stochastic process than is first imagined. One crazy thing after another keeps happening to you. Consequently, long-term planning is less useful than it might seem. When opportunity knocks, open the door. Always make plans, but be flexible and be willing to reassess your plans.

Annette Johnston -- Running for the office of Director:

AIChE has always focused on being relevant to its members. Now it is working on being more relevant in the world as well. Young professionals have great insight on how this can happen effectively. Please consider committing to AIChE on this, and recruit your friends! Learn more about the candidates by reading their bios and then vote!