By: Kate Gawel
After another season of very successful Annual Student & Professional Conferences, YPC is beginning to plan for the 2013 year.
New YPC vice chair
Please join me in congratulating YPC's recently elected its next vice chair, Elizabeth Guenther. Elizabeth has been involved in YPC for the last few years and most recently as our first Publications Subcommittee chair. She will begin her term immediately and remain vice chair until fall 2013. She will then serve a 1.5 year term as chair ending in spring 2015, followed by a one-year term as past chair ending in spring 2016. For more information about Elizabeth, be sure to check out the article in this edition of the YP Newsletter titled "Meet the New YPC Vice Chair - Elizabeth J. H. Guenther."
Join a YPC Subcommittee
Five YPC subcommittees are currently accepting members interested in participating in subcommittee initiatives. These subcommittees are:
- Local Sections & Executive Student Committee (ESC) Subcommittee
- Programming Subcommittee
- Publications Subcommittee
- Retention & Recruitment Subcommittee
- Global Student Competition Subcommittee
If you are interested in finding out more, please email Kate Gawel. We will be accepting applications for leadership positions for the 2013-2014 period by the beginning of February. Keep your eyes open for information to be distributed in the near future.
2013 Spring Meeting
YPC is currently focusing a lot of effort on the 2013 Spring Meeting in San Antonio, TX, being held the last week of April. At the meeting, YPC will be co-sponsoring a number of sessions as well as a networking mixer. If you are interested in finding out more about the 2013 Spring Meeting, please contact Meagan Lewis.
2013 Regional Student Conferences
YPC is beginning to plan for the 2013 Regional Student Conferences. In past years, YPC members have attended the student regional conferences to network with students, host presentations on a variety of topics - including how to stay involved with AIChE after graduation - and help judge poster, paper, and Chem-E-Car competitions. If you are interested in finding out more about how you can help at the Regional Student Conferences, please email Meagan Lewis or look for a newsletter article in the winter/spring 2013 edition of the YP Newsletter.
2013 Annual Conference
Believe it or not, YPC is already beginning to plan for the 2013 Annual Conference. The conference will be held in San Francisco, CA, the first full week of November. If you are interested in getting involved in YP Programming or having YPC co-sponsor your session, please email Meagan Lewis.
AIChE Young Professional Newsletter
YPC hopes to continue to publish newsletters on a quarterly basis. We are looking for volunteers interested in helping with the newsletter either by writing articles or editing them. We also would like to include more information about what YP local sections across the country are doing in our future Upcoming Local YP Section Events articles. If you are interested in volunteering or advertising future programming in the newsletter, please email our Publications Subcommittee at aicheypnews@gmail.com.
Next Conference Call
If you are interested in participating in the next call (in the new year), or would like to find out more information about what YPC is currently working on, please email Kate Gawel to be added to our listserv. Once on our listserv, you will receive meeting notices for each month's conference call as well as meeting minutes after the call.