If you're looking for a place to network and have fun with other chemical engineers, AIChE's Local Sections are a great option. Sections exist in many areas, from Egypt to Idaho. In addition to regular meetings, you'll find technical seminars, training courses, plant tours, grants, and roundtables on local issues. Many local sections also sponsor student programs with colleges and universities, and community activities and social events. Consult the complete list of AIChE Local Sections to find if there's one in your area. But if there isn't an AIChE Local Section near you, no problem, because the Virtual Local Section was created to make sure, as their slogan says, that "No Engineer Is Left Behind."
The Virtual Local Section, or VLS, holds monthly meetings to encourage the professional growth of chemical engineers, provides opportunities for networking with meeting attendees. The virtual section isn't limited by geography, so geographically isolated ChEs anywhere can join in. You can learn more about the VLS on its site and join VLS. Also consider following VLS on LinkedIn for updates about events and more.
New things happening at VLS
This week, the VLS recently held elections. You can read about the election results on the VLS site. With new leaders in place and eager to make a difference, look for new events and ideas coming soon. If you'd like to get invovled too, join VLS and start networking!