Where are you from?
Philadelphia, PA
What school do you go to? What year are you?
Drexel University (Senior)
Do you hold any positions in your AIChE chapter or with AIChE nationally?
Board of Directors, AIChE Delaware Valley Local Section (DVS)
Describe an event in your chapter that you are most proud to have been involved with.
Together with colleagues from across the country, I worked on developing a survey that is currently being used to quantitatively measure the organizational and financial health of local sections around the country.
What are your plans after graduation? In what field are you most interested in having an impact?
I will be pursuing advanced studies in the field of chemical engineering with a focus on the experimental and computational development of alternative energy sources.
How do you blow off steam and keep your sanity between classes, homework and projects?
Gym! Ever since I started religiously going to the gym in the summer of 2012, I find that to be my most relaxing activity of the day. Whether it be early in the morning or late in the night, I make it a point to unwind and relax by going to the gym for an hour every day.
Which of your undergraduate classes have you most enjoyed?
Thermodynamics! Because I understood none of it and this prompted me to do some individual learning. That was a rewarding experience!
How did you decide to pursue a degree in ChE?
Versatility. I won't say I was particularly good at math, chemistry, and physics (I still am not!), but I was curious about all three! The breadth of research topics and areas for application presented me with learning opportunities like no other. I am still amazed by the number of new ideas that chemical engineering teaches me every day!
What is the best kept secret on your campus?
Drexel actually has an observation tower on the roof of its main building. Students can visit this place free of charge on specific days every month and observe the skies through a state-of-the-art telescope!
What will you be most saddened to leave behind at school when you move on?
The food trucks! Drexel has some of the best food trucks on its campus. The range of food options and the convenience of them being located in the heart of Drexel's campus have definitely added to my experience here at Drexel. Undoubtedly, this is something I will miss the most!
What is the most unexpected thing you have been asked in an interview?
Do renewable sources of energy violate the laws of thermodynamics?
Do you have any advice to incoming students and underclassmen ChEs around the world?
This applies to any major: Enjoy learning! Yes, grades are important and to some extent determine where you get a job/go to graduate school, but the feeling of learning something new is unmatched. Don't be afraid to say 'I don't know' because that's where the learning process starts!
What's your first thought when you wake up in the morning?
Awesome! One more chance to do something worthwhile!
How would you like to be involved with AIChE after graduation?
I would definitely like to be involved with the DVS. In addition, I want to get more involved with the YPC and the AIChE Virtual Local Section. I am in the process of looking for opportunities withing these two groups.