Where are you from?
Rhode Island originally; Houston, TX now
What company/institution do you work for?
Where did you complete/are you completing your chemical engineering education?
University of Toledo
How many years have you been a member of AIChE?
Describe a recent challenge you managed, notable achievement, or obstacle you overcame at your job or in your work as an AIChE member.
The most challenging obstacle I have encountered as an AIChE officer has been evaluating applications for the travel grant awards for the 2014 conference. We had ~70 great applicants this year and only had 3 grants to award.
What do you do to meet people in your field?
I attend conferences, trade shows and presentations from other engineers.
Fill in the Blanks...There are two types of ChemEs… those who_______ and those who ________.
use spreadsheets; are lost
What’s the first thought you have when you wake up in the morning?
5 more minutes???
If your college had offered a class on real-life skills for the aspiring ChE, what would you want them to teach?
Soft skills are very important and too often overlooked. You may have a world-changing idea, but no one will ever know if you are not able to communicate it effectively.
Do you have any advice for current or future young professionals reading ChEnected?
If you are still in school: Keep on working hard! It'll be over before you know it, and it is worth it when you get out. Young Professionals: Keep an open mind and always take advantage of opportunities to learn new things.
You can contact Ryan through his LinkedIn page.