The Advisory Board to the AIChE Local Section’s Middle East Process Engineering Conference met in the Bahrain Capital Club on February 26th to discuss the program for the September 14th Conference.
Attending were the AIChE’s Saudi Arabia Local Section executive committee including Saad Al Omani, Mohsen Almajnouni, Audah Al Ahmadi and Said Al-Zahrani. The Advisory Committee Conference Chair, Shaikh Mohamed bin Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa of Nogaholding led the meeting with many industry executives, and was joined by AIChE Executive Director June Wispelwey and Director of Operations Bette Lawler.
Industry executives included Sadara CEO Ziad Al-Labban, Bahrain Petroleum Company board chair Adel Ahalil Almoayyed, Saudi Aramco Executive Director of Refining Omar Bazuhair, as well as other esteemed guests. The conference will focus on delivering process innovation and value creation, a topic that is important with all of the new petrochemical facilities starting up in the Middle East. In addition, the topic of value creation is particularly important given the fallen price of oil, which is pressuring companies to look at new methods to achieve profitability.