Issue 1 — January 2016
Welcome to 2016's first edition of the Latest YP News. This newsletter is brought to you by the Young Professionals Committee and is meant to give you the latest and greatest news and information from around AIChE.
- The Latest YP News
- A New Norm for the PhD Workforce?
- Interviews with Four Young Professionals Who Presented at the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting
- YPC 2016-2017 Leadership Team
- Saudi-YP Group Participation in KFUPM University’s Career Fair
- Opportunities for Young Professionals in Nuclear Engineering Division (NED)
- Career Center Jobs - AIChE CareerEngineer Job Board
- Graduate Student Research Spotlight
- Get Involved in an AIChE Local Section
- Upcoming Events
- Get Involved with YPC
The Latest YPC News
Happy New Year from YPC! 2015 was another exciting year for AIChE’s Young Professionals. Some key milestones from the past year include the successful completion of the first annual Global Undergraduate Student Video Competition and the start of 2016’s competition and adding increased opportunities for graduate students to present their research via ChEnected blog posts and with the Graduate Research Spotlight. Other achievements included record-breaking attendance at our YP Social at Squatter’s Pub in Salt Lake City as well as the continuation of key initiatives and programs, such as our undergraduate student travel grants, K-12 outreach, and YP programming for the Annual and Spring Meetings, to name a just few of our accomplishments. We also have welcomed Thang Ho as our new vice chair and assembled our leadership team for the 2016-2017 term as we look to the future.
This coming spring brings with it a number of key events as well as opportunities to get involved. AIChE’s 2016 Spring Meeting and the 12th Global Congress on Process Safety will be held April 10-14th in Houston and will feature many YPC co-sponsored sessions as well as the always-popular YPC Mixer. Young Professionals will also be traveling to Student Regional Conferences in each of the nine regions across the United States during March and April presenting talks, servings as judges for the various competitions, and networking with students and professionals in attendance. We also have a number of leadership positions still available for the upcoming 2016-2017 term and will be accepting applications for those positions on a rolling basis. For more information on ways to get involved with any of these events, or questions regarding YPC in general, you can always reach out to us at YPC@aiche.org.
In this newsletter you’ll find articles recapping YP involvement at AIChE’s 2015 Annual Meeting and at a recent career event held at KFUPM University in Saudi Arabia, an interview with Reid Peterson from the Nuclear Engineering Division about how YP’s can become involved, as well as some tips to jumpstart your career while completing your PhD.
Once again, Happy 2016 from YPC and we look forward to engaging you in the year ahead!
Chris Lowe, YPC Chair
A New Norm for the PhD Workforce
By: Chris Lowe
Are you thinking of going to graduate school in engineering? What careers are you looking for after graduation? Read this article and find out more information about the PhD workforce.
Interviews with Four of the Young Professionals Presenting at 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting
By: Simin Mehrabani
YPC interviewed four Young Professionals who presented during the 2015 Annual Meeting.
YPC 2016-2017 Leadership Team
By: Mohammed Alyanbaawi
YPC is pleased to announce the 2016-2017 Leadership Team that will be chaired by Chris Lowe.
Saudi-YPC Participation in KFUPM University’s Career Fair
By: Mohammed Alyanbaawi
Saudi-YP group has participated in KFUPM University’s Career Fair to support and inspire the young professionals and students who are looking for jobs and internships. Read all about the fair here.
Opportunities for Young Professionals in Nuclear Engineering Division (NED)
By: Mohammed Alyanbaawi
In this month's newsletter, we have interviewed Reid Peterson, Vice Chair for Programming of the Nuclear Engineering Division of AIChE, to overview the NED Division and why AIChE Young Professionals should consider joining NED.
Career Center Jobs - AIChE CareerEngineer Job Board
AIChE is pleased to include a selection of job opportunities on AIChE CareerEngineer.
We invite you to explore AIChE CareerEngineer in this link.
Graduate Student Research Spotlight
By: Monica Stowe
If you are a graduate student who recently published a research paper and are interested in sharing that research with over 10,000 readers in the chemical engineering community, read this article to find out how ChEnected can assist you.
Get Involved in an AIChE Local Section
AIChE local sections provide grassroots support for the Institute, essential to meeting the needs of chemical engineers locally. Local Sections host regular meetings, presentations and networking events to support professional and technical development. Find the closest Local Section to you through the link and join yours today.
Upcoming Events
The YPC is now posting events for AIChE on the YPC website, including Young Professional events at the Spring and Fall Meetings, meetings of YPC Local Sections, and other events put on or sponsored by AIChE. If you have an event that you would like to advertise, please email aicheypnews@gmail.com.
FDA-AIChE Workshop on Adopting Continuous Manufacturing
February 29- March 2, 2016
8th Annual Midwest Regional Conference
March 3-4, 2016
2016 Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety
April 10-14, 2016
YP Mixer at 2016 Spring Meeting
April 10, 2016
Get Involved in YPC
Are you looking to get more involved with the AIChE Young Professionals Committee? We are always looking for new people to get involved. Email ypc@aiche.org to learn more!
Visit www.aiche.org/YPC for all the latest YPC Information and to have your friends sign up for this newsletter and YPC Conference Calls. Be sure to use the hashtag #AIChEYoungProf when posting on social media!
This publication has been approved by the AIChE Young Professionals Committee chair. For questions or comments contact ypc@aiche.org. If you have ideas for upcoming newsletters, events to advertise, or would like to get involved in YPC Publications, contact aicheypnews@gmail.com.