The YPC Publication Committee has put together a highlight of the YPC members who contributed to the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting events. The Meeting gathered thousands of chemical engineers from academia and industry to provide an excellent platform for knowledge transfer. Below, we hear from Victoria Baldwin about her contributions to the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting.
Please tell us about your level of involvement in organizing YPC sponsored events at 2015 AIChE Meeting.
I was involved more in the execution side of the conference rather than the planning, however was able to contribute some ideas and suggestions in relation to the sessions which I chaired or participated. I was also involved heavily in the preparation for the Global Student Video Competition announcement at the Student Conference and the announcement of the winners and the topic for the coming year. It is fantastic to see all of the hard work from all of these people come together into these unique sessions that can inspire young professionals (and others) and continue their learning. Seeing these sessions form from a simple idea into a full-blown presentation and session is very rewarding and showcases how great the YPs are and what they can accomplish from so many varying backgrounds!
Did you organize a session? What was the aim of the session? How well do you think the session’s goal was accomplished?
At the student conference I organized a session regarding AIChE after graduation (Top 10 Reasons to Stay Involved in AIChE after Graduation). This session aimed at inspiring students to continue to stay involved in AIChE after graduating from their universities while also giving an overview of the general setup of AIChE as a whole organization. This session was heavily based on those sessions typically given at student regional conferences and is a great way to communicate the great opportunities in AIChE post-graduation!
I was also a participant and panel member in a number of other sessions, however, I will let those chairs assist in answering the information pertaining to those (Is Graduate School Right for Me? From the Application to the Offer).
How many people attended your session? How would you describe the attendees? Did they ask good and thought-provoking questions?
This was a relatively small session with perhaps 50 people in attendance; however, those in attendance were very engaged and asked meaningful questions pertaining mostly to our involvement and what they in turn could do to get involved. Most attendees were juniors and seniors who did not have the previous opportunity to attend similar sessions at regional conferences but were still interested in future involvement.
Do you recommend organizing this session in the next meeting? Is there anything that you would add/change to improve the session?
I recommend keeping this type of presentation more focused at the student regional conferences where a large majority of the students can be engaged. In order to properly engage students at a national conference of this level, I think this information could be demonstrated on a slideshow at registration, in a booth, or in some other format for those select individuals who were not able to see it previously. This information is very important and inspiring to get those students involved and those in attendance were very interested in the topics presented, particularly the Young Professionals and what we do. As this is the next step in their career (typically), I feel it is very important to focus on this section and share our unique experiences related to YP to demonstrate what they can look forward to!
What do you think about your overall experience organizing this event as far as its effect on your professional skills?
Organizing this event and these sessions has been very impactful on my professional skills, from networking with other Young Professionals and upcoming Young Professionals to working on planning, organization, and public speaking. It is great to be able to work with other YPs in planning these sessions and ensuring that they are geared properly to those who will be in attendance. We were able to reflect on what we knew as graduating seniors and college students and build on this with what each of us has gained from our professional careers. This means taking tidbits from each person involved, and utilizing their skills and experience to continue to grow your own professional skills.
Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Being a YP involved in planning and executing the 2015 Annual Meeting was a rewarding experience filled with new professional connections and lifelong friends alike. The topics are of interest to not only students but also professionals, and taking unique backgrounds from a number of individuals ensures continuing and unique perspectives and presentations at each conference. Thank you AIChE and the AIChE Young Professionals!
Victoria Baldwin is a PSM Specialist at Chevron Products Company
Great interview