Innovative and exciting research is being performed each and every day by graduate students across the globe in all walks of chemical engineering. This post is a part of the Graduate Research Spotlight Series, which seeks to highlight some of the research being performed by AIChE's graduate student members. If you know of an AIChE member who is currently performing outstanding graduate research and has recently published a first-author paper, please let us know at ypc@aiche.org.
Where are you from?
What university are you completing your graduate degree at?
State University of New York at Buffalo
What field/program are you enrolled in?
Chemical and biological engineering
What type of degree are you getting?
Where did you receive your undergraduate degree?
Sharif University of Technology
What was your undergraduate major?
Chemical and petroleum engineering
How many years have you been a member of AIChE? *
1 year
In layman’s terms please describe your specific field and what impact it may have on society.
I have been trained as a hardcore chemical engineer. However for my graduate study I chose to work on biotechnology. Currently, I am working on metabolic engineering and heterelegous biosynthesis through which we engineer E.coli to produce non-native natural products. I enjoy implementing my engineering knowledge to solve biological issues which are different compare to conventional chemical engineering problems.
What is the title of your recently published research article?
Describe the highlights of your recently published paper.
We engineered bacteria (E.coli) to produce a family of novel siderophore yersinibactin. Yesrinibactin binds to iron and copper but by changing molecular structure, new analogs can bind to gold. This finding helps to design and engineer new chealtors.
To learn more, see Mahmoud's recently published article.

What are your plans after completing your graduate degree?
Right now, I am seeking possibilities to start my own business based on my PhD research. I have been awarded several entrepreneurial award and recognition.
What motivated you to pursue your graduate work?
I am amazed how engineering skills can be applied to solve biological issues. That was my motivation! implementing problem solving skill to address biological problems.
What is your favorite moment in chemical engineering history?
July 27, 1850. That is George E. Davis's birthday, in case you're wondering.
If you weren’t a ChE what would you most want to be?
A martial artist!
What is the most interesting place you have ever lived?
My small hometown in northeast of Iran, Torbat-e Jam. I grew up there and every minute becomes a memory for me.
What was the best meal you ever ate?
Oh man! I am a good cook but my favorite dish is an eggplant-based Iranian tradition meal called Kashk-e Bademjan. I love it!
How many ChEs does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None. That is a subject for electrical engineers.
Do you have any advice for current or future graduate students reading ChEnected?
Think outside the box. Apply your engineering skills to solve unconventional problems of modern life.
You can reach Mahmoud through his LinkedIn profile.