Over the last few years, one of our most popular series has been Excelling With Excel, which takes a look at some incredibly useful Excel tips for chemical engineers. Given the series' popularity, we will be revisiting the topic of using spreadsheets in chemical engineering, so stay tuned for a new series coming in January 2017.
In the meantime, enjoy the existing series and also give some thought to some of the shortcuts and techniques you use in your own work, as we hope to turn to our audience for some of their best tips in the coming weeks.
Want more Excel tips for chemical engineers?
If you know you want to delve even deeper than this blog series – or if our Excel tips leave you hungry for more – be sure to check out AIChE’s virtual combo course on spreadsheet problem solving and VBA programming. It’s taught by David E. Clough, the author of this series, and combines two of AIChE’s most popular spreadsheet courses, Spreadsheet Problem-Solving for Chemical Engineers and Excel VBA Programming for Chemical Engineers.
Share your tips, on Engage!
Do you have some tips of your own about spreadsheets? If you're a member, I'd love you to share them on AIChE Engage.