AIChE asks you to support its Annual Fund on November 28, 2017 for the #GivingTuesday Challenge.
On November 28, your gift will help Do a World of Good through the AIChE Foundation’s Annual Fund, which subsidizes a range of programs that include scholarships & travel grants; support for students, young professionals, women, and underrepresented minority chemical engineers; education; global activities; K-12 outreach. Learn more.
What Exactly is #GivingTuesday?
#GivingTuesday is a global day dedicated to giving back. Established in 2012, it is observed on the Tuesday immediately following the Black Friday and Cyber Monday consumer holidays, as a way to shift the public’s focus from spending to giving. Learn more.
Donate & Tell Everyone about the #GivingTuesday Challenge
Of course, the AIChE Foundation would love your support in the form of a donation, however large or small, today. Regardless of whether you're able to make a donation, help show your support by sharing this page on Twitter, Facebook and all of your favorite social media channels. Spread the word! #GivingTuesday #AllforGood #AIChEGiving
Or, you can copy and paste the language below:
“Join AIChE #GivingTuesday : All for Good on November 28. www.aiche.org/givingtuesday”