Ensuring Process Safety in Batch Tolling
Batch tolling facilities can use process safety management techniques to meet regulatory standards and minimize risk.
Optimize Heat Transfer of Viscous Fluids in Agitated Vessels
In cooling applications with high-viscosity fluids, agitator power input adds to the heat load. This article demonstrates how to optimize net heat transfer to improve cooling.
Estimate the Capital Cost of Shale-Gas Monetization Projects
As the number of shale-gas monetization options has increased, so has the need to develop quick, preliminary estimates of the cost of proposed projects and manufacturing pathways. This article presents a method for an order-of-magnitude cost estimation.
Listen Up!
It may seem easy, but good listening requires effort and practice. Follow these tips and learn to listen like a pro.
The Philippine Chemical Industry
The Philippine chemical industry is highly diverse and has the potential for significant growth. Industry-government partnerships and regional cooperation can help the country to become a leading chemical exporter.
- Scientists Warn Against Gene Drives
- Long Carbon Nanotubes: Just as Dangerous as Asbestos
- Dipstick Can Bind and Purify DNA in Less Than 30 Seconds
- Nanosized Abacus Enables Simultaneous Computing and Storage
- Stem Cells Mimic the Blood-Brain Barrier
- Unusually Shaped Nanoparticles Could Carry Drugs Into Tumor Cells
- New Skin Patch Pits Melanin Against Melanoma
- Editorial: Obligations Can Be Opportunities
- Catalyzing Commercialization: New Coating Improves Solar Panel Efficiency by Reducing Soiling
- AIChE Journal® Highlight: Roy Jackson's Enduring Legacy
- Patent Update: Patent Exhaustion: The Patent Owner's Dilemma
- Technical Entity Trends: Manufacturing USA: Opportunities for Chemical and Biological Enterprises
- Process Safety Beacon: Liquefied Gases Can Be Hazardous
- Process Safety Visions: Meticulous Verification
- Career Corner: Boost Your Career by Sticking to Your New Year's Resolutions
- Product Focus: Process Control; Environmental Equipment; Plant Maintenance
- Books
- Calendars
- Institute News
- 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting Recap
- President's Corner: 2017 in Review
- RAPID Manufacturing Institute Announces First Project Selections
- AIChE Election Results
The December 2017 issue of CEP is now available online. AIChE members receive access to CEP, including a searchable archive of issues dating back to 2001, online at https://www.aiche.org/cep.