Combine Dimensional Analysis with Educated Guessing
Use dimensional analysis and educated guessing to simplify experimentation and simulation, gain physical insight from empirical relationships, and extrapolate data.
Pilot Plant Testing for Liquid-Liquid Extraction
When designing a liquid-liquid extraction column, pilot plant testing generates the data necessary for accurate scaleup to the production rate. This article describes how to optimize pilot plant testing.
Analyzing the Performance of Pump Networks,
Part 2: Improving Pump Efficiency
Best energy efficiency practices can reduce pump operating costs significantly. This article reviews the basics and presents a new way to account for variation in pump efficiency.
The Chemical Industry in Hungary
Restructuring and investment underpin export growth in Hungary’s chemical industry. With continued investment in research and development projects, the country is on track to become a net exporter of chemical products.
- AIChE’s Initial Placement Survey: The Class of 2017
- Economic Report Shows U.S. Chemical Industry Weathered Hurricane Harvey
- Genetic Engineering Makes Biomass More Digestible
- Self-Healing Actuators Act Like Muscles
- Editorial: Don't Get Complacent
- Catalyzing Commercialization: An Economically Viable Process to Recover High-Value Products from Red Mud
- AIChE Journal Highlight: Reducing Lithium in Zeolites for Air Separation
- Leadership Q&A: Strengthening the Engineering Profession of the Future
- Career Corner: Career Paths for Chemical Engineers
- Profile: Kristala Jones Prather: Engineering Microbial Chemical Factories
- Technical Entity Trends: Your Experiences Leave a Mark
- Process Safety Beacon: Contamination as a Contributing Factor
- Spotlight on Safety: Vulnerability Is Key to Safety
- Product Focus: Heat Transfer and Fluids Handling
- Books
- Meeting Preview: AIChE's Spring Meeting and 14th Global Congress on Process Safety
- Calendars
- Institute News
- AIChE’s New Fellows
- BASF Sponsorship Advances Critical AIChE Projects
- RAPID Manufacturing Institute Delivers Congressional Briefing
- Institute and BOD Award Nominations Due Feb. 15
The February 2018 issue of CEP is now available online. AIChE members receive access to CEP, including a searchable archive of issues dating back to 2001, online at https://www.aiche.org/cep.