To help the next generation of chemical engineers experience the benefits of AIChE membership and assimilate into the AIChE community, AIChE’s Board of Directors, at its June 2017 meeting, approved a measure to provide newly graduated AIChE student members with their first year of Young Professional (YP) membership at no charge.
After a complimentary first year of YP membership, dues for young professionals will gradually increase to the full membership rate ($199 per year). Prior to the new structure, graduating student members could join AIChE as YP members for $50, and dues increased to the full membership rate over the subsequent three years.
The Board of Directors hopes that easing the dues rate for young professionals and extending the interval before full membership rates apply will bring significantly more young chemical engineers under the AIChE member umbrella. The delayed ramp-up to full dues aims to give young professionals more time to experience AIChE’s member benefits and develop a strong relationship with others chemical engineers in the AIChE community.
The new YP dues take effect in the 2018 dues cycle. For more information about the 2018 AIChE membership dues rates, email membership@aiche.org or visit www.aiche.org/community/membership/types-prices.