Meet Some of AIChE's Recently Elected Fellows

Featured in the May print issue of CEP

Fellow Candidates are nominated by their peers, and generally have about 25 years of significant practice in chemical engineering. They should also have demonstrated significant service to the profession, and have been a member of AIChE for at least 10 years.

Please see below to meet some of AIChE's recently elected fellows, who were also featured in the May print issue of CEP.

Gayle J. Gibson

Gayle Gibson retired in 2017 as head of engineering at DuPont, where she improved capital project practices and portfolio choices, deployed engineering expertise to innovation and manufacturing projects, and hired and mentored young engineers. In more than 30 years at DuPont, she worked across business units with career contributions including engineering design, process engineering, research and development, product and process development, manufacturing supervision, market development, business strategy, growth and supply chain improvement.  A certified Six Sigma Champion, she holds a BS in chemical engineering from Texas A&M University and an MBA from the European University.

Connect with Gayle on Engage.

Michael A. Henson

Michael Henson is a professor of chemical engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where he has directed the Process Design and Control Center and was founding co-director of the Institute for Massachusetts Biofuels Research. He previously taught at Louisiana State University. His research focuses on two fields: nonlinear process control and in silico systems biology. He is president of CACHE Corp., and has contributed to numerous AIChE-related activities, including journals, conferences, and the CAST Division. He has held editorial positions for several systems-related journals, and is founding editor-in-chief of Processes.

Connect with Michael on Engage.

Robert Y. Ofoli

Robert Ofoli is associate professor of chemical engineering at Michigan State University (MSU), where his research focuses on nanoscale catalysis for sustainable production of chemicals and fuels from renewables. His AIChE activities include his recent chairmanship of the Career and Education Operating Council, membership on the Safety and Chemical Engineering Education Committee, and involvement in the RAPID Institute's Education and Workforce Development Roadmap. He is also active in AIChE student programs, as the longtime MSU student chapter advisor, a former chair of the Student Chapters Committee, and as a member of the Chem-E-Car® competition rules subcommittee.

Connect with Robert on Engage.

Ahmet Palazoglu

Ahmet Palazoglu is Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of California, Davis, where he is past chair of the Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science.  His research focuses on design and operation of demand-responsive chemical processes, process monitoring, and statistical modeling.  He is co-author of the books Chemical Process Performance Evaluation and Introduction to Process Control, and he has also served as a visiting professor at the University of the South (Argentina), University of Stuttgart (Germany), and Boğaziçi University and Koç University (Turkey). He earned his PhD in chemical engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Connect with Ahmet on Engage.

James R. Thompson

James R. Thompson, CPSA, is an independent contractor for ABS Consulting (Houston, TX), and was the process safety management (PSM) manager for ABS prior to his retirement. He has more than 40 years of industrial experience in operations and PSM with companies including DuPont and INVISTA. As a certified process safety auditor, he has performed 100 PSM audits at a variety of facilities. He was lead author of the AIChE/Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) book Guidelines for Implementing Process Safety Management (2nd edition). He is also a chemical engineering alumnus of the University of Texas at Austin.

Connect with James on Engage.