AIChE’s Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), in collaboration with AIChE Foundation’s Doing a World of Good Campaign, have teamed up with sponsoring companies to help develop new curriculum for undergraduate chemical engineering students. The goal of the Student Process Safety Bootcamp is to improve safety training of undergraduate chemical engineering students worldwide by introducing students to how leading companies across a variety of chemical process industry sectors manage process safety to prevent catastrophic accidents involving toxic, highly reactive, and flammable materials.
Ohio State University Student Process Safety Bootcamp
August 25-26, 2018
Columbus, OH
University of Tennessee - Knoxville Student Process Safety Bootcamp
July 23-26, 2018
Knoxville, TN
Mississippi State University Student Process Safety Bootcamp
September 8-9, 2018
Mississippi State, MS
North Carolina State University Student Process Safety Bootcamp
September 22-23, 2018
Raleigh, NC
Register and find more information
Photos of Past Workshops
Flickr photos from the album Undergraduate Student Process Safety Bootcamp by ChEnected Community
The Process Safety Bootcamp is great. I note there are no bootcamp locations for 2018 in the West. I also note that my alma mater, Colorado School of Mines, is in that region and is a leading university in Chemical Engineering, supplying many ChemEs to the process industry. Has there been any communication between CSM and AIChE on participation in the workshops?
Hi, AIChE did host a bootcamp at the CSM in April. Will likely plan again https://www.aiche.org/giving/events/ccps-student-bootcamp/2018-04-07