Process intensification (PI) is one of the most promising development paths for the chemical process industry and one of the most important progress areas for modern chemical engineering.
Join us for 10 webinars on process intensification sponsored by the RAPID Manufacturing Institute. The webinars are free to RAPID Members. This webinar series is led by world-renowned PI expert Andrzej Stankiewicz, and each webinar will be presented by an expert in the field of process intensification.
To date, five webinars have debuted out of a series of 10 covering a range of PI topics from fundamental concepts to utilizing varied types of reactors effectively, such as micro- and millireactors, dynamic continuous flow reactors and more. Sponsored by the RAPID Manufacturing Institute, these webinars have (so far) educated over 600 participants on the value and importance of adopting PI principles.
There is still time to register for the upcoming live webinars. Webinars are free to RAPID members, available to AIChE members through the use of member credits, and offered at a nominal cost to non-members.
2018 RAPID Webinar Series List
See titles of all webinars in the series below. As webinars go live, links will be added providing more information.
- Archive Available: Introduction to Process Intensification Principles and Approaches: Structure, Energy, Synergy and Time
- Archive Available: Process Intensification Principles: Structure – PI in the Spatial Domain
- Archive Available: Process Intensification Principles: Structure – Focus on Micro- and Millireactors
- Archive Available: Process Intensification Principles: Energy – PI in the Thermodynamic Domain
- Archive Available: Process Intensification Principles: Energy – Dynamic Continuous Flow Reactors for Industrial Applications
- July 25: Process Intensification Principles: Synergy – PI in the Functional Domain
- August 1: Process Intensification Principles: Synergy – Focus on Reactive Distillation
- August 22: Process Intensification Principles: Time – PI in the Temporal Domain
- September 12: Process Intensification Principles: Time – Focus on Oscillatory Flow Reactors
- October 17: How to Do Process Intensification: Methodology for PI Equipment Selection
Learn more about the RAPID Manufacturing Institute.
Contact Ashley Smith-Schoettker at ashls@aiche.org to learn more about RAPID's Education and Workforce Development initiatives.