University of Texas, Austin, (pictured above with UT classmates) took home the top prize this year in the 2018 ASC ChemE Jeopardy with 5,400 points. Second and third places went to Louisiana State University, with 2,500 points, and Brigham Young University, with 500 points.
2nd: Louisiana State University

3rd: Brigham Young University

The teams competing onsite were:
- Princeton (Mid-Atlantic Region, USA)
- Notre Dame (North Central Region, USA)
- NIT Rourkela (India)
- University of Idaho (Pacific Northwest Region, USA)
- University of Iowa (Mid Atlantic Region, USA)
- Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medillín (Colombia)
- Brigham Young University (Rocky Mountain Region, USA)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Northeast Region, USA)
- Cairo University (Egypt)
- Louisiana State University (Southern Region, USA)
- University of Southern California (Western Region, USA)
- University of Texas, Austin (Southwest Region, USA)
Preliminary round matchups
To determine which teams would compete in the semifinal round for the title of 2018 ChemE Jeopardy champion, all competing teams battled it out in three separate groups:
- Princeton (Mid-Atlantic Region, USA), Notre Dame (North Central Region, USA), NIT Rourkela (India)
- University of Idaho (Pacific Northwest Region, USA), University of Iowa (Mid Atlantic Region, USA), and Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medillín (Colombia)
- Brigham Young University (Rocky Mountain Region, USA), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Northeast Region, USA), and Cairo University (Egypt)
Semifinal winners went head-to-head in the final round.
Categories, values, clues, and responses
Here are some of the questions teams had to answer:
Category: Industrial Processes
Value: 400
Clue: The Haber-Bosch process is used to convert atmospheric nitrogen and hydrogen to this hazardous gas.
Correct Response: What is Ammonia?
Category: Biology
Value: 100
Clue: : A cluster of bacterial genes encoding proteins with related activity that is often transcriptionally regulated as a single unit.
Correct Response: What is an Operon?
Category: Process Design
Value: 1,000
Clue: Nickel-chromium alloys are known by this name, which is a trademark of the International Nickel Corporation.
Correct Response: What is Inconel?
You can see more ChemE Jeopardy photos on Flickr.
Wow Mid-Atlantic sent two teams