Enhancing PHAs: The Power of Bowties
Process hazard analysis (PHA) is a key component of process safety management (PSM). This article presents a technique that incorporates the visual approach of the bowtie model into hazard and operability (HAZOP) analysis.
Back to Basics
The Essentials of Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis (RO) is used throughout the chemical process industries (CPI). Review the basics to understand best practices for troubleshooting, monitoring, and cleaning.
Fluids and Solids Handling
Understand the Risks of Composite Intermediate Bulk Containers
Although composite intermediate bulk containers (CIBCs) provide ease of storage and transport, they pose a unique fire hazard that is often overlooked.
Computational Methods
Optimize Plant Water Use from Your Desk
Water pinch analysis and mathematical programming can be carried out using only a spreadsheet to determine the optimal water system for your plant. Examples, including a shale gas to ethylene process, illustrate the concept.
- A Hub for Appalachia’s Emerging Petrochemical Industry
- Shining a Light on Bladder Dysfunction
- It’s Not Psychedelic, It’s Science: Engineers Develop an Electric Mushroom
- Purple Bacteria Turn Poop into Power
- A Natural Catalyst to Combat Antibiotic Resistance
- Chemical Engineers Use Nanocellulose to Improve Drug Release
- Editorial: Taking a Minute for Safety
- Catalyzing Commercialization: Flexible Ceramic Membranes Enable Low-Cost Energy Storage
- AIChE Journal Highlight: When Will AI Play a Greater Role in Chemical Engineering?
- New Products: Heat Transfer, Instrumentation, Bioprocessing, Materials and Chemicals
- Process Safety Beacon: Keep Critical Safeguards Functional
- Spotlight on Safety: Treat Contractors as Invited Guests
- Safety Minute: Shift Handover: The Most Dangerous Communication
- Profile: This Time, It’s Personal: The Future of 3D Printing in Manufacturing
- Career Connections: Are You Ready to Be a “Me” Enterprise?
- Advanced Manufacturing Progress: Leveraging R&D Tax Credits
- Technical Entity Trends: Trending Styles: Advanced Materials in the Garment Industry
- Books
- Meeting Preview: 2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety
- Institute News
- Meet Some of AIChE's Newest Fellows
- John J. McKetta, Jr., 1915-2019
- Bioengineering & Translational Medicine Honors Robert Langer and Nicholas Peppas
- "Rising Stars" Shine at AIChE Workshop to Empower Women in Engineering
- STEM Volunteers: Discover DiscoverE
The February 2019 issue of CEP is now available online. AIChE members receive access to CEP, including a searchable archive of issues dating back to 2001, online at https://www.aiche.org/cep.