Judith Giordan and the Chemical Startup "Marathon"

Over the span of two days, the 2019 Chemical Ventures Conference will feature several sessions focusing on innovation, investment, and deal flow in the chemical arena. Invited speakers with vast knowledge about venturing and investing in the chemical industry will share their thoughts, outcomes, and strategies for success. The goal of this conference is to highlight the large, untapped opportunity in the chemicals market that could ultimately benefit the economy, provide high quality jobs, and provide critical materials to the broader marketplace.

Judith Giordan will be speaking about the key elements of a successful startup such as building a strong business case for a product and knowing the market segment. She will deliver her speech at the Chemical Ventures Conference 2019 in April. I spoke with Judith about success in chemical startups and the importance of taking it step by step.  

In your opinion, what is the most important current trend opportunity in chemical startups?

Aligning the business case with the business model and exit. The hope is always that as with pharmaceuticals, big Pharma can be an exit. Data has shown that exits of chemicals and materials startups don’t always happen as everyone hopes. Knowing the market segment, value chains and players is key for success. Chemical startups are a marathon – not a sprint.

What message would you like the audience to take away from this year's Chemical Ventures Conference?

Build and substantiate a real business case for a new product before you charge down the road of a business model, plan, and pitching!

How do you envision chemical startups advancing some of the Grand Challenges in engineering and society? 

All 14 of the challenges involve atoms and molecules – not solely bits and bytes. From the materials to help in water treatment to virtual reality to the brain and medicine, chemistry and biochemistry are the basis.  

The 2019 Chemical Ventures Conference will be held at the Delaware Innovation Space in Wilmington, DE from April 23-24, 2019. Learn more and register today.

Judith Giordan

Judith Giordan is a co-founder of the Chemical Angels Network (www.chemicalangels.com), Managing Director of ecosVC, Inc. (www.ecosvc.com) , professor of Practice at Oregon State University, a former Fortune 100 executive, and an entrepreneur. Judy serves as board member, co-founder, advisor, and investor in seed and early-stage STEM-aligned startups. Judy has a BS in Environmental Science and VoTech Agriculture from Rutgers University; PhD in Chemistry from the University of Maryland; and was an Alexander von Humboldt post doctoral fellow at the University of Frankfurt, Germany.


Isabel Pazmino's picture

Definitely motivating. All these ideas made me feel that I need to open my eyes to be able to see the bigger picture. Opportunities are out there. One must be ready to spot them and create a solution for them.