Walter Postula is the Senior Engineer in the Base Chemicals group within Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc. This year he serves as chair of the 2019 Spring Meeting & 15th Global Congress on Process Safety in New Orleans, LA. We recently spoke to Walter to find out what we can expect during this year's meeting.
What is your role for the 2019 AIChE Spring Meeting & 15th Global Congress on Process Safety?
My involvement is via two avenues, Spring Meeting Program Chair and member of the Ethylene Producers’ Committee. Both roles have primarily involved developing programming and events to help ensure a vibrant meeting that attendees are excited to attend. That said, it is the various programming entities and the awesome, tireless staff at AIChE who do all the heavy lifting.
Can you give us some insight into this year’s Spring Meeting and what events shouldn’t be missed?
I would provide you an impossible schedule if I listed all events that shouldn’t be missed! There are great speakers and topics during each of the luncheons. The AGILE Award celebrates its first woman recipient, Sharon Beshouri, whose keynote highlights the important topic of knowledge transfer. There are new sessions/panels on Leadership Development and Women in Fuels and Petrochemicals; joint welcome session by Fuels & Petrochemicals Division and Big Data, and joint 31st Ethylene Producers’ Conference sessions focused on success stories and future trends; the Kister Distillation Symposium; and many more. Don’t forgot about the networking opportunities either, starting with the opening reception on Sunday night.
What information are you hoping attendees walk away with?
I hope attendees take away information that is useful to them in developing both technically within their current role and professionally within their career. It is habit for most of us to focus on sessions that offer something of immediate benefit. I encourage attendees to thoughtfully review the program and make time to attend a few presentations that spark their interest but cover topics outside their current role or responsibilities.
Learn more about the 2019 Spring Meeting.
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Walter Postula
Walter Postula has been a resident of Texas since age ten. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Texas A&M University in 1990 and 1994, respectively. Read more
Thanks Walter for chairing the Spring meeting! Excellent program slate with lots of industry relevance.