A new AIChE competition will showcase interactive experiments that demonstrate the wonders of chemical engineering and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) to K–12 students.
The first AIChE K–12 STEM Outreach Competition is slated for November 10, 2019, at the AIChE Annual Meeting and Student Conference in Orlando, FL. AIChE members—as individuals or as representatives of student chapters, local professional sections, or other AIChE groups —are invited to enter for a slot at the competition. Selected entrants will present tabletop demonstrations to conference attendees, as well as to an audience of grade school students, parents, and teachers visiting from the Orlando area.
The competition is being organized by AIChE’s K-12 Committee and Executive Student Committee, and is funded by the AIChE Foundation. Outstanding entries will receive prizes and become part of an online AIChE archive that will benefit parents, teachers, and volunteers engaged in K–12 and STEM education.
Guidelines for entries
Competition entries can target a range of grades and take the form of demonstrations, experiments, or discussions. Entries can address any concept within the range of STEM but will ideally connect to concepts or applications within chemical engineering. Each entry at the November 10 event will consist of a tabletop presentation component and a written component, including handouts for visitors.
Entries will be judged based on factors including feasibility (portability, cost, etc.), explanation of theory or concepts, suitability for hands-on interactivity, safety, creativity, and quality of handouts.
Learn more about the competition and entry instructions. Entries are due September 1, 2019.